Le frasi famose di Donna Summer

Ultimo aggiornamento il 13/11/2020

La regina della Disco Music è morta. Qui trovate alcune sue frasi famose e aforisimi e citazioni in inglese e la traduzione in italiano. Donna Summer era nata il 31 dicembre 1948 negli USA ed è scomparsa a causa di un cancro il 17 maggio 2012 all’età di 63 anni.  Il vero nome di Donna Summer è La Donna Andre Gaines.

frasi famose di donna summer

God had to create disco music so I could be born and be successful.
Donna Summer

Dio ha dovuto creare la Disco Music così che io potessi nascere ed avere successo.

frasi famose di donna summer

Because I’m just an ordinary person that did some extraordinary things.
Donna Summer. Perché io sono solo una persona normale che ha fatto alcune cose straordinarie.

frasi famose donna summer

I am sensual and very physical. I’m very erotic. But my sexuality exists on a sort of a fantasy level. Io sono sensuale e molto fisica. Sono molto erotica. Ma la mia sensualità esiste a una sorta di livello di fantasia.

frasi famose donna summer

I don’t care if I’m beautiful; I don’t care what I am on the outside. It isn’t about the outside. Donna Summer. Non m’importa se sono bella; Non m’interessa cio’ che sono all’esterno. Non si tratta dell’aspetto esteriore

Frasi famose di Donna Summer

  • My life was changed in one breath from God. Donna Summer
  • And no, having the hits is just more work. Donna Summer
  • Well, I’ll say I have an incredible ability to fantasize – I really do. I don’t have to have things tangible to be able to see them, and therefore I enjoy so many things, because they’re in my mind. Donna Summer
  • But I like to know that someone is stronger than I am. I want to be able to know that if I get tired, somebody is there to hold up the fort. I like knowing that I can’t pick a refrigerator alone. God did not make me strong enough to do that. Donna Summer
  • But I think that I’m just a normal girl, you know. Donna Summer
  • I don’t keep a press agent because I think people need to have a break from you. Donna Summer
  • I don’t really try to predict what can and will happen with things. Sometimes you think something’s gonna be a huge success, and it isn’t. And sometimes you pay no attention to something whatsoever, and God just makes it into everything. Donna Summer
  • And I mean, I’m established. So I’m not worried about having a hit at this point in my career. Donna Summer
  • I haven’t really been recording in the last several years. I haven’t wanted to. And even though I had to deal with Sony and now I’m on Universal again, I will probably put out a new record soon. Donna Summer
  • I want a private life, I truly do. I’m not just pretending to want one like lots of celebrities. Donna Summer
  • I’m ready to work and if it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it’s fine. Donna Summer
  • If you’ve never been to one of my concerts. I want you to know that it is OK to scream and yell. Donna Summer
  • It would be nice if you have a hit. But I don’t think it’s necessary to continue with my career at this point. Donna Summer
  • Let’s say that, in reality, I’m basically very shy when it comes to men. Donna Summer
  • Nobody wants you to stop, obviously because you’re a moneymaking machine. But you have to make the decision and you have to move forward. So I took time off to have babies and do all that. Donna Summer

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